2. Carry a whistle and a flashlight.
3. Wear athletic shoes.
4. Take a basic self-defense class.
5. Always have a plan on how to get home.
6. Do not accept rides from people you do not know well or trust.
7. If you feel you are being followed, cross the street, yell, run and look for a well-lit area or
occupied building.
8. Don't be distracted by being on the phone and make sure your phone is charged.
9. Tell someone where you are going, who you will be with, and when you will be back.
10. If you start to feel concerns about a person or a situation, trust your feelings and try to remove
yourself from the potential threat, even if its someone you know.
11. Drive around the area before parking safely.
12. Be aware of your surroundings.
13. Don't open the door until you know for certain as to who it is.