Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Safety Tips For Preventing Being A Victim

1. Don't wear head phones.
2. Carry a whistle and a flashlight.
3. Wear athletic shoes.
4. Take a basic self-defense class.
5. Always have a plan on how to get home.
6. Do not accept rides from people you do not know well or trust.
7. If you feel you are being followed, cross the street, yell, run and look for a well-lit area or
    occupied building.
8. Don't be distracted by being on the phone and make sure your phone is charged. 
9. Tell someone where you are going, who you will be with, and when you will be back.
10. If you start to feel concerns about a person or a situation, trust your feelings and try to remove
      yourself from the potential threat, even if its someone you know.
11. Drive around the area before parking safely.
12. Be aware of your surroundings.
13. Don't open the door until you know for certain as to who it is.

There's black ice on the road. Please drive with caution..

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Secure disposal and safe storage box for all medication

Sector #4 Highlights

In today's society we treat several diseases and conditions with prescription drugs. There's no surprise why opiate and opioids has become an increasing problem with its addictive nature and easy access. For this reason , Clayton County Police Department reminds you that we have a secure disposal and safe storage box for all medication that is no longer needed. The box is located in our lobby of the main headquarters located at 7911 N. McDonough Street, Jonesboro GA.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Shoplifting at Home Depot

**SECTOR #4**Officer C. Fausel responded to a shoplifting call at the Home Depot located at 2034 Mt. Zion Rd, Morrow GA.  The offender attempted to push a buggy of merchandise out of the store totaling nearly $1500.  After store personnel questioned the offender, the offender abruptly left the store and was quickly apprehended by OFc. Fausel. Ofc. Fausel asked the offender his name and the offender chose to give Ofc. Fausel a false name.  The offender was taken into custody charged with shoplifting and giving a false name.

Monday, January 14, 2019


ALWAYS. Lock your doors
and close your windows.

ALWAYS. Park in well-lit areas.

ALWAYS. Remove valuables
from sight.

ALWAYS. Notify each other
of criminal and suspicious

Friday, January 11, 2019

PSA: Clayton County Police Department

Image result for breaking in cars
!!! Be aware Vehicle Break-ins !!!
Be aware in the area of south Lake Parkway there has been a significant amount of vehicles that were broken into on January 10, 2019. Due to this incident the police department has since utilized aerial surveillance through Clayton County Aviation Unit to assist uniform with increasing patrol. Any citizens help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.